[Ur] Ur/Web in Nixos

Karn Kallio tierpluspluslists at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 19:03:21 EDT 2010

Maybe of interest:

While packaging Ur/Web for NixOS ( http://nixos.org/ , a Linux distribution 
using a non-standard prefix-based directory layout ) it was necessary to apply 
a patch removing the postgresql directory prefix hardcoded in the header paths 
in the file postgres.sml.

I believe using GCCARGS to pass include directory locations via -I can't be 
made to work without introducing symlinks or some such whenever the actual 
header files mysql.h and libpq-fe.h are contained in directories not named 
postgresql and mysql.

Removing the prefixes allows GCCARGS to determine the location; I imagine it 
will also make the build fail on standard filesystem layouts without some more 
autotools tweaking.

Anyway, here is the patch removing the prefix directories.

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