[Ur] CMS like features ? unsafe XML - encodings?

Chris Double chris.double at double.co.nz
Sun Dec 19 22:27:10 EST 2010

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Marc Weber <marco-oweber at gmx.de> wrote:
> Excerpts from Chris Double's message of Mon Dec 20 04:11:30 +0100 2010:
>> pretty trivial app to provide a 'river of news' list of items from
>> various RSS/Atom feeds, updated hourly.
> How did you parse those feeds (xml)?

I do the feed parsing in python. It reads the list of feeds from the
Ur/Web database, fetches them, parses them, and stores the data back
in the database.

Now that Ur/Web can have server side threads (Mantis issue 36) and
better external POST support (Mantis issue 38), I'll move to having
Ur/Web do more of this. For the task of parsing I might leave that to
Python or find some C based library I can use with the FFI. I'm not
sure I'm up to writing an RSS parser in Ur/Web natively.


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