[Ur] Moving channel/client ID generation from the runtime into the database and/or compiler?

Adam Koprowski Adam.Koprowski at mlstate.com
Sat Sep 24 16:53:40 EDT 2011

> Yes, it is possible, but is it a _good_idea_ for a significant fraction of
> applications?
  Define "significant fraction" ;). Seriously, I don't really know the
answer, but even assuming that you are right and that it's needed only for a
(very?) small fraction of applications, it's those applications that are
really successful and everyone aspires to be in that group. So if the
language cannot deal with such a scenario it may be a problem for developers
of "potentially serious applications", don't you think?


*Adam Koprowski                [http://adam-koprowski.net]
Opa Tech Evangelist @ MLstate [http://opalang.org | http://mlstate.com]*
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