[Ur] local urls for the script directive

Timothy Beyer beyert at fastmail.net
Wed May 2 20:59:20 EDT 2012

At Tue, 1 May 2012 14:03:42 -0500,
Austin Seipp wrote:
> At one point when I was fiddling with stuff like this, my first hacky
> solution was basically make a module with a single page that used
> returnBlob to return a raw text string with a MIME type of
> text/javascript - from a library point of view, my .urp file then
> included a directive like 'script /Mathjax/js' where 'js' is the
> aforementioned page handler, so it would get brought into every page.
> This has the obvious downside that it 'takes over' the Mathjax module
> namespace and also it hardcodes the path, which isn't great. It also
> has the much worse downside that you basically have to escape your
> javascript and insert it as a raw string literal into the module (I
> tend to abuse things like this; sorry Adam!)
> Here's a fully working example of this idea:
> https://github.com/thoughtpolice/ur-mathjax

Wow.. that is really clever, and a javascript library that I was interested in
using to boot.  I might look into doing something like that in the future.

> I hope it helps.

It is very helpful to see sophisticated usages of the JS FFI like this,
especially for Ur/Web beginners like me. :) Thanks.


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