[Ur] typechecker rejects form handler

Adam Chlipala adamc at csail.mit.edu
Tue Jan 7 15:07:49 EST 2014

On 01/07/2014 03:03 PM, Sergey wrote:
> Well, for some reason I didn't take into account that 'show' instance 
> is defined for the url type. I agree, this approach should work for 
> now. But this way we handle basic cases only. For example, if I add 
> one  trivial requirement to my login forms task - "views should print 
> errors in case of invalid login attempt"  - then `form' function will 
> need (string -> url) function argument rather than constant url and, 
> thus, specializations. I can't see stable solution, that is why I'm so 
> nervous about this problem.

Your extra requirement turns out to be easy to support using cookies, 
but I'm sure we could continue the escalation and find others that are 
harder. :)

For now, I don't see an "obvious good idea" change to make in Ur/Web, so 
I'll wait until someone's actually current application forces a 
different tack.

> By the way, you mentioned other frameworks which assigns urls to 
> continuations. I suppose it makes it possible to attack such servers 
> by forcing it into creating more and more continuations. But it is 
> interesting to read how the authors reason about the security. Could 
> you point me to some reading about this?

The continuation-based framework I've heard about the most is for Racket:

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