[Ur] A few questions about Ur/Web

Andy angelflow at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 21 12:15:37 EDT 2014


New to Ur/Web. This looks like a very interesting project. Would love to try it out. Have a few questions:

1) The FAQ states "From the world of dependent types, Ur/Web takes type-level computation." Does that mean Ur/Web have full support for dependent type? If not, what is missing? Anything that the type system of ATS or Agda can do that the type system of Ur/Web can't, or vice versa?

2) Looking at the Techempower benchmark, for the "Multiple Queries" and "Fortune" tests, the performances of Ur/Web-Postgresql are several times higher than that of Ur/Web-MySQL. This is really strange because for almost all other frameworks the exact opposite is true: MySQL results tend to be much higher than postgresql results. Is this due to some problems with the urweb mysql driver? Any workaround? All my data is on MySQL so the poor performance on Mysql is a concern.

3) For the "Data Updates" benchmark Ur/Web has poor performances with high latencies. The FAQ attributes this to "optimistic SQL concurrency thrashing to provide the transactional semantics that most benchmark entrants don't bother to shoot for." Can you get into more details about this concurrency thrashing and why does it cause poor update performance? Is there anyway to turn this off and just use the "normal" semantics that other frameworks use? My application is write-heavy and latencies measured in seconds are just too high.

4) How big is the size of the javascript code generated by Ur/Web compared to hand written JS code? For example Dart-generated js tend to be several times bigger than the comparable hand written one. Is Ur/Web similar to that?

Thank you.
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