[Ur] Help needed to implement a data-bound type-ahead / auto-complete widget for Ur/Web, to support easy editing of foreign-key fields

Stefan Scott Alexander stefanscottalexx at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 13:30:18 EDT 2015

Ur/Web's home page states that it "supports construction of dynamic web
applications backed by SQL databases".

However, more than 5 years after its release, Ur/Web still lacks one of the
most essential components for developing database applications: a
data-bound type-ahead
/ auto-complete widget supporting easy editing of foreign-key fields.

In the interest of raising awareness and encouraging collaboration on this
issue, I've put up a github repo of a small Ur/Web database project I'm
working on. As the ReadMe points out, this project is (and will
unfortunately forever remain) largely unusable until someone figures out
how to add a data-bound type-ahead / auto-complete widget to allow users to
conveniently edit the foreign-key fields.


But this isn't just a problem for this particular Ur/Web database app -
this is a problem for *all* Ur/Web database apps - because, as we know,
most databases use an auto-increment integer "surrogate" primary key column
(eg: customer.id), while the user thinks and works in terms of another
(generally also unique) "human-readable" column or set of columns (eg:
customer.name, or customer.first_name + customer.last_name).

Probably no modern real-world database app in existence would expect the
user to select a parent record by (memorizing and) manually typing an
integer foreign key into a plain text field (eg: invoice.customer_id) -
this would be totally crazy! But unfortunately, this is how all published
Ur/Web database examples do it. How can such a powerful web database
framework be lacking such an essential UI widget - over five years after

Of course, the right way to let the user select a foreign key is the way
nearly all other modern database apps do it: via some sort of menu or "pick
list" - nowadays often implemented in the browser as a "type-ahead" or
"auto-complete" input field.

Without a data-bound type-ahead / auto-complete widget for editing
foreign-key fields, it is unlikely that Ur/Web will ever see much
adoption among
database application developers. As back-end developers, they would of
course be perfectly capable of *using* a data-bound type-ahead /
auto-complete widget for their foreign-key fields - most of them (including
me :-) probably would not have the front-end development skills needed to
*create* this kind of widget on their own for Ur/Web.

So I'm wondering if there might be anyone out there who might be willing
and able to create a data-bound type-ahead / auto-complete widget for
Ur/Web? This would be a great contribution to help make Ur/Web usable by
other database application developers out there!

At the link below are three Issues I've also posted on the github repo,
(a) some results and discussions on my initial (so far unsuccessful)
attempts to use Ur/Web FFI to wrap an existing JavaScript library such as
Select2 or Twitter typeahead.js; and
(b) some questions regarding whether / how this could be done "natively" in
(See the first three issues posted)

Thanks for any ideas or help!
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