[Ur] Hamlet like XML, structured by indentation with tag autoclosing

Gabriel Riba gabriel at xarxaire.com
Sat Jun 20 07:43:16 EDT 2015


El 18/06/15 a les 23:55, Ziv Scully ha escrit:
 > As far as I can see, the proposed changes do 3 things:
 > (1) Add a few new things especially for layout (the forall/foreach/etc.
 > sort of thing).
 > (2) Make normal XML a bit nicer by eliminating closing tags.
 > (3) Make XML mixed with Ur/Web "macros" less clunky by eliminating some
 > extra {} and <xml></xml> pairs.

* First, with structure by indentation with tag autoclosing, the 
document tree structure shows clearer. (Your (2))

Check https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hamlet


* Second, you can specify conditional subtrees, subject to decision 
logic, making nested xml nicer (Your (3))

   $if {cond}

   $elsif {cond}

   $else {cond}


* Third, you can specify foldMap traversals of foldable containers

    $foldmap {items_expr} <| {item_pattern}

       item_subtree embedding {[item_patt_var]}

Haskell differentiates between sequentially enforced traversal 
(Data.Traversable) and non-enforced (Data.Foldable) as 
non-monadic/applicative code exec. order is not granted sequential.

I am not sure about this need in Ur, but in case, an extra logic 
statement could be used.

Other logic statements:


$case {expression}
$of {pattern}
     subtree1 embedding {[patt_var]}

$of {pattern}
     subtree1 embedding {[patt_var]}


$some {option_expression} <| {pattern}
     subtree1 embedding {[patt_var]}


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