[Ur] Changing a single identifier in crud.ur causes a compiler error - leading to some questions about field names and table names

Stefan Scott stefanscottalexx at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 13:45:32 EDT 2015

Consider the (only) two occurrences of the identifier `Tab` in file crud.ur
in the Crud demos, in the function `upd (r : int)`, on lines 126 and 138,
underscored using the coomment `(*   ^^^  *)` in the excerpt quoted here



 fso <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.{{map fst M.cols}} FROM tab WHERE tab.Id =
        case fso : (Basis.option {Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}) of
                             (*   ^^^  *)
            None => return <xml><body>Not found!</body></xml>
          | Some fs => return <xml><body><form>
            {@foldR2 [fst] [colMeta] [fn cols => xml form [] (map snd cols)]
              (fn [nm :: Name] [t ::_] [rest ::_] [[nm] ~ rest] v (col :
colMeta t)
                               (acc : xml form [] (map snd rest)) =>
                    <li> {cdata col.Nam}: {col.WidgetPopulated [nm] v}</li>
                    {useMore acc}
              M.fl fs.Tab M.cols}
                 (*   ^^^  *)
            <submit action={save}/>

What if we change these two occurrences of the (upper-case) identifier,
from `Tab` to `Tabx` - leaving the lower-case identifier `tab` (which also
occurs many times elsewhere in the module) unchanged?

The code no longer compiles! It gives the following error:

crud.ur:126:32: (to 126:70) Error in final record unification

Can't unify record constructors
[Distinct = bool,
  From =
   sql_from_items ([])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),

  Where =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([]) ([]) bool,
  GroupBy =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),

  Having =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([]) bool,
  SelectFields =
    ([Tab = (map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols) ++ [Id = int]])
    ([Tab = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),
  SelectExps = {}]
[Distinct = bool,
  From =
   sql_from_items ([])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),

  Where =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([]) ([]) bool,
  GroupBy =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),

  Having =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([]) bool,
  SelectFields =
    ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
    ([Tabx = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]),
  SelectExps = {}]
  Field:  #SelectFields

Value 1:
 ([Tab = (map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols) ++ [Id = int]])
 ([Tab = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])

Value 2:
 ([Tab = ([Id = int]) ++ map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])
 ([Tabx = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols])

Can't unify record constructors

Have:  [Tab = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]
Need:  [Tabx = map (fn t :: (Type * Type) => t.1) M.cols]


The above suggests that there is some sort of "relationship":


(1) the *lower-case* identifier `tab`:

  - whose *type* is *declared* (in the parameter signature of the
declaration of Crud.Make in crud.urs and crud.ur) as follows:

      table tab : ([Id = int] ++ map fst cols)

  - and whose *value* is *defined* in (eg) crud1.ur, in the argument in the
call to Crud.Make, as follows:

      val tab = t1

  ... where (eg) the table `t1` (defined earlier in crud1.ur) is in lexical

      table t1 : {Id : int, A : int, B : string, C : float, D : bool}


(2) the *upper-case* identifier `Tab` - which appears to be:

  - (a) a *field name* whose presence is being "asserted", or

  - (b) (perhaps?) a *pattern* being assigned to in some sort of
record-level or type-level pattern-matching - in the "type declaration" -
or "assertion?" or "pattern-matching"?? - provided for `fso` in the `case`
statement (*after* `fso` was "created", by the way):

      case fso : (Basis.option {Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}) of ...


I have several questions arising from the above:

(1) What is this relationship between identifier `tab` and identifier `Tab`

One appears to refer to a table, the other appears to be a field.

Is there some sort of pattern-matching or assertion or assignment going on
between them?

(2) This compile error seems to indicate that identifier `tab` and
identifier `Tab` need to be the *same* (except for upper-case versus

Is this true?

If so, why?

(2.1) Is it true that an Ur/Web database application can be associated with
exactly *one* SQL database (mentioned in the .urp file)?

(2.2) If (2.1) is true, then is there some relationship:


- the namespace of unique (upper-case) *field names* defined at the "top
level" of an Ur/Web program;


- the namespace of unique (lower-case) identifiers assigned to *table
names* - in statements such as:

  table t1 : {Id : int, A : int, B : string, C : float, D : bool}

which generate CREATE TABLE statements in the *.sql script (with names
optionally mangled with a "uw_" prefix) for the associated SQL database
mentioned in the .urp file?

(3) What does the syntax:

  {Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}


  { ... : ... }


(3.1) Is the syntax `{ ... : ... }` an instance of the following kind-level
production in section 4.2, page 15 of the manual:

  Kinds κ ::=
    {κ}    type-level records

Question (3.1.1) If so, is this perhaps somehow combined with some *other*
production(s) in the present case, to yield (in the present example):

  {Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}

(3.1.2) Could the other production being combined here be:

  Kind ::= Type

(also from Section 4.2, page 15)

in this case instantiating ``Type`` as:

  Tab : $(map fst M.cols)


Question (3.2) Is the above syntax `{ ... : ... }` as used eg in:

{Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}

related to the "table-definition syntax" (seen frequently in the examples -
but never actually explicitly described "as such" in the manual), eg:

  table t1 : {Id : int, A : int, B : string, C : float, D : bool}


(3.3) Is this syntax `{ ... : ... }`  as used eg in:

  {Tab : $(map fst M.cols)}

perhaps also somehow related to the following fragment of code in basis.urs
- in particular, the section underscored using the comment `(*   ^^^  *)`:


val sql_field : otherTabs ::: {{Type}} -> otherFields ::: {Type}
 -> fieldType ::: Type -> agg ::: {{Type}}
 -> exps ::: {Type}
 -> tab :: Name -> field :: Name
 -> sql_exp
        ([tab = [field = fieldType] ++ otherFields] ++ otherTabs)
    (*  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  *)
        agg exps fieldType

(4) Finally, the manual (towards the bottom of page 19) states:

  A declaration

    table x : {(c = c,)∗}

  is elaborated into

    table x : [(c = c,)∗]

However, a *different* syntax is commonly seen in the "table declarations"
frequently used in the demos - ie, in the demos, the "copulas" are `:` not
`=`, eg:

  table t1 : {Id : int, A : int, B : string, C : float, D : bool}

(4.1) What does the following syntax in the manual (using `=` not `:`)
refer to:

  table x : {(c = c,)∗}
  table x : [(c = c,)∗]

(4.2) Are the any examples of its use?

Thanks for any help!

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