[Ur] Thoughts on cryptographic hashing for Ur/Web standard library?

Adam Chlipala adamc at csail.mit.edu
Sat May 19 15:52:02 EDT 2018

After a busy semester, I am going through the backlog of Ur/Web issue 
reports.  I'm hoping to make a new Ur/Web release soon, and here is the 
first in what may be a series of community queries, to decide whether 
certain changes are appropriate.

It has been pointed out <https://github.com/urweb/urweb/pull/114> that 
Ur/Web's Basis.crypt uses DES, a weak hashing approach by today's 
standards.  I can think of a few potential courses of action:

 1. As in the linked PR, just add a comment essentially saying "hey,
    this crypto isn't so great."
 2. Switch to a different cryptosystem available in OpenSSL's libcrypto,
    which is already linked with all Ur/Web apps.
 3. Realize that literally no one is using this function and just delete
    it from the standard library.  (A less severe version is to ask a
    small but nonzero-size user community to switch to using separate
    libraries for this functionality.)

Any thoughts?

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