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<p>This message is going to be a bit of deja vu, with regards to a
similar one I sent to this list about 10 years ago.</p>
<p>I'm trying to spin up a startup company building on Ur/Web and <a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="http://upo.csail.mit.edu/">UPO</a>
to provide a platform where people with no programming training
can create web applications quickly. So many aspects of the plan
are indeterminate at the moment, but I will need collaborators who
are effective at Ur/Web programming. In the initial phases, these
folks need to have relatively high tolerance for risk, what with
likely iterating to make a few initial customers happy with the
product, with no financial compensation yet, before raising
venture capital. (Afterward, I'd expect everyone to have both
stock and salary.)</p>
<p>If you're interested in discussing more, please get in touch with
me, with any relevant information on your background relevant to
Ur/Web programming or any other subject that seems apropos to
running a company selling a product for authoring and automatic
cloud hosting of web applications.<br>