
[ Application | threads.urp | buffer.urs | buffer.ur | threads.urs | threads.ur ]

Ur/Web makes it easy to write multi-threaded client-side code. This example demonstrates two threads writing to a page at once.

First, we define a useful component for sections of pages that can have lines of text added to them dynamically. This is the Buffer module. It contains an abstract type of writable regions, along with functions to create a region, retrieve a signal representing its HTML rendering, and add a new line to it.

The entry point to the main module Threads begins by creating a buffer. The function loop implements writing to that buffer periodically, incrementing a counter each time. The arguments to loop specify a prefix for the messages and the number of milliseconds to wait between writes.

We specify some client-side code to run on page load using the onload attribute of <body>. The onload code in this example spawns two separate threads running the loop code with different prefixes, update intervals, and starting counters.

Old hands at concurrent programming may be worried at the lack of synchronization in this program. Ur/Web uses cooperative multi-threading, not the more common preemptive multi-threading. Only one thread runs at a time, and only particular function calls can trigger context switches. In this example, sleep is the only such function that appears.